Cloud Computing: Save Money, Increase Productivity

If you’re still a bit confused about what cloud computing is really all about, you’re not alone. While cloud storage and cloud-based software is quickly becoming the new standard, many business owners are still at a loss when it comes to exactly how all of these developments affect them.

It doesn’t help that “the cloud” seems like some lofty, conceptual thing at first glance. It’s really not. As much as it seems invisible and implacable, the cloud actually does exist on physical servers…they’re just not physically at your location. Essentially, the cloud is what allows you to share data or run software from servers that are being serviced and powered by someone else.

The benefit? You’re not stuck buying and maintaining all of that hardware. You also won’t be responsible for the capital expenses involved in upgrading, replacing, or scaling-up your hardware because that’s all managed on the other end. You can scale up or scale down at will, and costs remain nominal.

What about cloud security?

With your data being stored on third-party servers and always accessible via an internet connection, the question of security does come up. Cloud providers know their risk profile very well. As such, they stay on top of cybersecurity developments and keep their systems updated accordingly. The best providers use 24/7 monitoring to ensure that no “bad actors” are trying to get a hold of your data.

That being said, there is still a chance that hackers can get into your system on your end. It remains your duty to employ cybersecurity measures to protect your own network and devices. This is where an outsourced IT provider can be a huge help in developing and deploying a cyber defense plan.

It’s also a good idea to consult with an IT expert when selecting a cloud provider. The NCC team can help you choose a provider who takes the right measures to protect your data — and your business.

Is the cloud right for your business? 

Chances are, if you’re looking to reduce IT costs and increase productivity, you will want to explore options in the cloud. Cloud computing facilitates remote working, better communication, and reliable data backups so there are few reasons not to leverage this technology. There are definite reasons why so many technology companies are moving their software and data storage to a cloud-based or hybrid solution.

If you’d like to learn more about how cloud computing can help your Texas business, reach out to our IT professionals and let’s talk. We’d be happy to help you explore your options and determine an action plan that suits your unique needs.

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Daren Boozer

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