Business IT: Getting Started with the Cloud

Like most business decisions, the consideration of whether or not to transition to the cloud is best made when fully informed. For a smooth transition, you will need to know what questions to ask of your prospective cloud service provider. You will need a provider whose resources and services match the unique needs of your organization — to say nothing of their IT pedigree and general trustworthiness.

Use these guidelines to help take the turbulance out of your journey into the cloud:

  • Define your objectives. Why are you migrating to the cloud? Begin with a clear vision of why the cloud will be beneficial to you and your business. Consider your company’s current IT strategy, budgets, security needs, and operational requirements carefully.
  • Prepare your IT staff for the upcoming changes. Your in-house IT team will need time and training prior to the transition. Make sure they log their training time before the transition occurs to minimize hiccups during the process. Your IT administrators should be ready to facilitate deployment and ensure that essential functions (such as network monitoring) experience little to no interruption.
  • Consider your budget and proceed accordingly. Consult with your IT staff or your cloud provider of choice regarding your budgetary expectations. Migrating to the cloud typically results in long-term savings, but you may need to budget for initial costs (such as training).

A successful cloud migration hinges on mindful planning combined with the support and expertise of a trusted cloud service provider. CompleteCloud from NCC fills the gaps by bringing years of experience and proven cloud technologies to Texas businesses in an affordable, hassle-free package.

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Daren Boozer

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