5 Ways Cloud Computing Has Forever Changed Business IT

If there’s one immutable truth in IT, it’s this: Technological progress never stands still.

Development trends change. Users change. The needs of the industry are in constant flux (we know this quite well at NCC, having been in business for over 15 years.)

What’s the latest and greatest? The most influential trend in business IT has been the gradual shift toward cloud computing. Actually, it wouldn’t be fair to call cloud computing a “trend” since it has proven to be every bit the game-changer.

How has the cloud had such an impact on IT?

1) Facilitating Mobility and Remote Workplaces

Cloud computing impacted the office, but more importantly it played a key role in major changes in the workplace status quo. The digital nomad, remote employee, and decentralization of the work environment are all possible thanks to the cloud.

Users now have unfettered access to their work computer, applications and files (as long as they have an internet connection). Employees are no longer stuck working in the office, and employers are cutting expenses by minimizing their square-footage and enacting BYOD (bring-your-own-device) policies. Organizations with multiple locations are enjoying greater productivity and better internal communication.

Improved efficiency, happier employees, and reduced costs? It’s no wonder that cloud caught on.

2) Computer Hardware and Capital Expenses

Gone are the days where a business needs to purchase and maintain expensive computer hardware. Server purchases and upgrades — typically costing thousands, if not millions, of dollars — are easily avoidable thanks to the service-based model of the cloud.

All of that expensive hardware is the responsibility of the cloud provider now, and businesses who leverage this fact don’t have to make the choice between spending their entire IT budget on new servers or dealing with slow, outdated hardware for another year. The cloud offers small, predictable monthly payments that are easy to budget for and simple to manage.

3) Better (and Cheaper) Tech Support

Cloud migration usually means a reduction in in-house IT staff as traditional IT roles are transitioned to the cloud provider or Managed Services Provider. Since these providers are service-based, their technical support is usually available 24/7 and U.S.-based. As is the case with CompleteCloud from NCC, support is available via remote with minimal intrusion and rapid response times. If an issue arises, our support model ensures that employees are up-and-running quickly.

4) Improved Cybersecurity

These days, no one is safe from cybercrime. Municipalities, Federal offices, global enterprises, and small businesses alike are all feeling the sting. In fact, it’s the small businesses that are seeing a sharp uptick in ransomware, e-fraud, and data breaches largely because they devote fewer resources to cybersecurity.

Cloud computing gives the smallest business a definite edge in this department. Hosted cloud environments are engineered for cybersecurity, and solutions like CompleteCloud are among the most secure IT environments on the planet thanks to SSAE 18 II data centers, server and edge firewalls, intrusion detection software, monitoring, anti-malware, and anti-spam. Cloud computing actually makes it easy and affordable for operations of any size to enjoy comprehensive cyber protection.

5) Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

The cloud makes it incredibly easy to recover your data and get your business up and running when faced with a disaster. With a traditional network and hardware, your software and data are always vulnerable to physical damage. A fire, flood, or other natural disaster would likely mean permanent technology and data loss and indefinite downtime. When you’re working in the cloud, your data and applications are located in redundant, geographically-disparate data centers ready for you to access or restore anytime. Even if you find yourself locked out of your data with ransomware, you are able to recover your backups with virtually no downtime.

Want to learn more? NCC proudly offers CompleteCloud, the most secure private cloud solution on the market. If you’d like to improve the way you pay for, access and support your IT needs, it’s time to reach out to our cloud experts.

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Daren Boozer

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